Eduardo Medeiros

Eduardo Medeiros

System Engineer.

© 2022

About me

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About me

Hello, there!

I'm Eduardo, System engineer, former SysAdmin and father, living in the Netherlands.

Working as a System engineer is not boring for me because I love what I do and I put a lot of passion for that.

When I've some free time, I like to contribute to opensource projects and coding for having fun.

As a hobby, I do love practicing martial arts such as BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu).

Currently, I'm working at TomTom, close to the developers to build and deliver infrastructure to support critical applications with solutions based on open source technologies.

During my daily routine, I'm responsible for developing and improving the provisioning and configuration management recipes for efficient and reliable deployments.

Feel free to reach me out on social media.

Thanks for reading my blog!
