Eduardo Medeiros

Eduardo Medeiros

System Engineer.

© 2022

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Molecule: How to use (part 2)

On this post, we gonna coverage some useful commands for molecule.

Converge will execute the sequence necessary to converge the instances.

$ molecule converge

This action has cleanup and is not enabled by default. See the provisioner’s documentation for further details.

$ molecule cleanup

Destroy box/container.

$ molecule destroy

Runs the converge step a second time. If no tasks will be marked as changed the scenario will be considered idempotent.

$ molecule idempotence

Initialize a new role.

$ molecule init role --role-name foo

Execute lint tests

$ molecule lint

login into the box/container

$ molecule login

Check syntax on the default scenario.

$ molecule syntax

Test will execute the sequence necessary to test the instances.

$ molecule test