Eduardo Medeiros

Eduardo Medeiros

System Engineer.

© 2022

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Cookiecutter for Ansible playbooks


It’s super annoying doing repetitive tasks, for instance creating playbooks scaffolds and so one.

Well, I’ve started my journey looking for some tool that provides such a way to create project templates, then I’ve found Cookiecutter project.

Serious. This project is awesome and you should have a look at that, especially if you are trying to standardized your projects across different teams inside your organization.

Let’s have a look at my ansible-playbook cookiecutter template.

Cookiecutter installation

$ pip install cookiecutter

Generate a new Cookiecutter template layout

$ cookiecutter gh:eduardolmedeiros/cookiecutter-ansible-playbook

The command above gonna pull the source files from my github repository and generate the output files.

Wizard menu

After running the cookiecutter command, a wizard menu will popup. This information came from cookiecutter.json file.

$ cookiecutter gh:eduardolmedeiros/cookiecutter-ansible-playbook
full_name [Your name]: Eduardo Medeiros
email [Your address email (eq. [email protected])]: [email protected]
project_name [Name of the project]: myproject
project_slug [myproject]:
project_short_description [A short description of the project]: This is my first cookiecutter project
release_date [2020-03-17]:
version [0.1.0]:
vagrant_hostname [myproject.vagrant.local]:
vagrant_cpu [2]:
vagrant_memory [2048]:
vagrant_box [centos/7]:
Select license:
1 - MIT license
2 - BSD license
3 - Apache Software License 2.0
4 - GNU General Public License v3
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4 [1]: 1

Done! Now let’s have a look at output files (project folder)

├── group_vars
│   └── all.yml
├── host_vars
│   └── myproject.vagrant.local.yml
├── inventory
│   └── inventory.ini
├── myproject-playbook.yml
├── provisioner
│   └── Vagrantfile
└── roles
    └── requirements.yml

A little bit more about cookiecutter-ansible-playbook

  • Ansible Playbook scaffold
  • Vagrant support
  • Dynamic settings defined by wizard menu

That’s all, see you next time.